2014 CCC Board Nominations

    April 23, 2014

    April 22, 2014

    The Board Nominating Committee is now assembling a slate of candidates to be considered for election to the Board of Directors of CCC. This election will take place in accordance with CCC's Bylaws, at the CCC Annual General Meeting in Canmore, Alberta, June 12-15, 2014.

    Normally, approximately half of CCC’s nine (9) Board members are elected in alternate years (the Division Chairs Council appoints the DCC representative).  In 2014, there are three Director at Large positions and the President’s position open for election.

    We urge all CCC members to get involved in the process. If you know of someone who is qualified and interested in one of these Board positions, please advise a member of the Nominating Committee before May 5, 2014. Candidates for any Board position may also be nominated by:

    1. Be nominated by a Division member(s) or members representing in aggregate at least 5% of the votes;
    2. Be nominated in writing by 20 License Members; or,
    3. Be nominated at a meeting called for the election of directors.

     Nomination and Election Process

    To be eligible to stand for election, you must be 18 years or older, a resident of Canada and a CCC member.

    Nominators must submit nominations to a member of the Nominating Committee. Nominations must include the following:

    • outline of background within the sport of cross country skiing – sport resume
    • outline of specific expertise or knowledge helpful to CCC
    • What strengths do you have that would enable you to make a lasting contribution to CCC?
    • How can the Board of Directors best represent members’ interests?
    • What challenges and opportunities do you foresee for CCC in the future?

    Nominations must be received by midnight MDT,
    May 10, 2014. Nominations will be posted on the CCC Website as they are received.

    Candidates will be given the opportunity to make a presentation to the voting members at the AGM either in person or through a representative.

    Please feel free to contact a member of the Committee should you have any questions.

    Nominating Committee:

    Jim McCarthy: