Be a part of PyeongChang 2018 & Beijing 2022, Canada. Invest in youth. Share the podium. Donate to Project Podium.

    December 3, 2016

    Cross-Country Ski de fond Canada is pleased to present our NEW 2016 Project Podium fundraising campaign, in partnership with the Canadian Olympic Foundation!

    Behind every athlete is someone like you, investing in youth and in Canadian gold! Someone who helped wax skis, coached a Jackrabbit program, and donated to a bottle drive.Together, let's continue to support athletes and set the track to the podium in 2018 and 2022.

    The new Project Podium platform, in partnership with the Canadian Olympic Foundation, enables you to donate as an individual or create a fundraising TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More! So let’s do this Canada!
    The team that raises the most money by March 31, 2017 will win a VIP experience with a National Ski Team athlete. Invite your athlete to a dinner party with your fundraising team or to guest coach your club's Track Attack program. The possibilities are endless!

    Different levels of donations are available, each associated with unique benefits. Every donation is appreciated, every dollar counts in our quest to excellence.

    To view the different packages available, make a donation & understand how your contribution makes a tremendous impact on Canada’s athletes, visit

    Be a part of PyeongChang 2018 and Beijing 2022, Canada. Invest in youth. Share the podium.

    Share with your networks & cross-country ski enthusiasts! Make sure to use the hashtag #ProjectPodium and handle @cccski when you share your team campaign on social media!

    Go Canada Go!